Friday, November 28, 2014

AMC1280USB + 6DOF ext + Pololu miniservo + 6 magnetic contact-less sensors

If you are wondering how to mount the sensors, if not in line with the output shaft of the gearbox, you might consider using pulleys and belt like in the photos below:

Thanks to Vicpopo for the excellent solution:

San Diego, California 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latest progress on 6DOF project - video showcase for car racing simulation - Using Thanos Motion controller

Here are some latest videos of working 6DOF platforms with car racing simulation using the AMC1280USB motion controller

Steven (with iRacing, Lotus 49, 5 speed):

Work in Progress DoctorD (Australia):

Display simulator for F1 Shop in Brazil (Leandro Tercette):

On Brazilian TV...

Iracing+6dof motion platform+RiftDK2

6DOF with MOOG linear actuators driven by AMC1280USB

Fabi  6 DOF @ SH (Switzerland):

360 view cockpit film to be used in replay on 6DOF motion simulator with Oculus Rift... | C-172 G1000 around the Matterhorn

Vicpopo (France):

Sebastien (France):

BFG10K (Yue Qi) (China):

California, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Support Forum for AMC1280USB


Thanks to Jerome (and a few other supporters) there is now a new forum that is dedicated on the AMC1280USB controller and everything associated with it, like, related hardware, software, motors, sensors, etc. There going to be lots of FAQ and tutorials posted there really soon.

I hope that it will be filled with information soon and relief me a little bit from the manual task of repeating myself all over again in emails.

Its been up for just a few days so excuse the mess at the moment. Please join and keep an eye on it:


California, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sharing time between development, email correspondence, personal and professional life.


This is not a rant, just a notice for all of you trying to reach me on my email, and didn't respond back yet.

As many of you already know, my time is limited, I cannot stretch myself to do all at once. I try my best to keep a balance between project related tasks and personal life.

-I do not answer email during the weekend. On Mondays the backlog can reach over 100 emails...
-Emails with multiple requests or questions may have lower priority... overwhelming...
-Some days of the week I have to devote only on developing (random days).
-Programming fixes for issues or new features may take several days or weeks, depending on how easy is to replicate the issue or create a test platform.

Also, assembly times are directly connected to the delivery time of some overseas parts. I wish I had everything locally, but for now its not something I can change.

So, please be patience, I'll get back to you as soon is possible. I'm not superman... :)

Maybe some kind person could create and maintain a simple forum for these conversations instead of emails, so everyone can learn from others experience without me having to repeat myself over and over again.


Stat chart of the blog visitors. Notice the peak on March!

California, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Firmware Summer Updates

Hi all,

You can find the latest firmware 1.0k here:

History changes:

-Fixed bug where no data where accepted if the number of motors where less that 6
-Changed the use of switch on KLM connector, to ignore new position data and slowly park the platform in rest position (start position).
-Minor performance changes.

This version is stable now. Let me know if you experience any issues. You feedback is important!

Image: AMC1280USB + 6DOF ext boards with no connectors, among various sensors

Thanos, California

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6DOF Fabi progress update

(12/12/2014) MORE Updates are now available on the 6 DOF @ SH blog:

I wish I could do that to my living room! :)

(12/12/2014) UPDATE!!! Added fully working G1000!


California 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

737NG Simulator Project

Update 8/30/2015: Some news in the progress, scroll all the way down...

By Mike Sherick


This letter is in response to Ian's reply to me, but I thought it best to copy you Thanos, as I wanted to communicate the same information to you as well.  I truly thank you both for your emails and objective comments.  

I fully understand that it is difficult for to comment specifically on the "general information" that I provided.  This is especially challenging since I am not a mechanical engineer and I do not have formal knowledge concerning the proper use of engineering terms to describe things - something I mentioned to you on the phone when we talked.  You have been kind to reply, and I respect the general nature of your comments, considering the limited set and somewhat disjointed of information I have provided.

Given that the nature of tying to build a full-scale 737 Sim Motion Platform is in and of itself a huge project, I am sure that most folks would pass this kind of project by, and rather spend their time playing golf or reading a good book.  All that is fine, but that has never been my personal mode of dealing with interesting challenges - like building  full-motion platform, or building my full-scale 737 Sim, which is now flying nicely.  Many of the projects I have done over the years have all turned out to be good learning experiences, and quite rewarding.  I expect that the 6dof Motion Platform falls into this category.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sending Positive Energy Your Way, Zaharie! cont'd

I'm still sad and shocked hearing all these negative and false information about Captain Zaharie, in a degree, that I don't watch the news anymore. 

I believe a terrorist wouldn't be quite as open as Captain Zaharie with his love and passion for flight simulations. Many commercial airline pilots from all over the world contact me for help in adding motion to their home made simulators that share the same interest as Captain Zaharie. I don't see that as a "threat", I see that as "for the love of flying." Let me point out one thing, race car drivers have motion simulators in their homes as well. Will they be deemed terrorists too? 

I heard these past days about "logs" that were deleted... I'm sorry,  how do they know that were deleted deliberately and not just because they are just "temporary" logs? The flight simulation software have many  plugins that distribute data from the flight simulator "game" to all plugins that handle the virtual cockpit instruments, and guess what, all these are holding logs merely for performance feedback. As far as I remember unless I "save" a particular flight, the data for the session are lost as soon as I close the flight software.

Flight simulation is fun! One does not have to worry about the stresses of actually flying a plane with all the safety concerns, limitations and consequences that go along with commercial flights. FAA rules are very strict. It is also a very good tool to learn to fly an aircraft or virtually visit destinations anywhere in the world. However, it is completely different to actually get behind a yoke of an actual plane. 

Adding motion to the simulator provides the pilot with realistic feedback about the planes reactions and makes the experience more immersive, this is called "motion cues". For a 6DOF steward platform like the one Capt Zaharie was building, a complicate math model is required that uses classic filters, to recreate the motion and the reactions of the real life vehicle or plane. The motion platform itself is nothing more than some robotic intelligent parallel actuators. There is nothing more to it.

example of 6DOF Stewart Motion Platfrom (partial cockpit)

-example of the motion platform in action... Din't mind the "acrobatic" flying, was just testing the motors

I'm really a busy man and don't have much time to talk about it anymore. I'd like to thank all the news reporters for their inquiries but I really have nothing new to add. I do not wish to be an object of "something to talk about" just to "cover" the advertising time. 

Thanos, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sending Positive Energy Your Way, Zaharie!

Where ever you are, I'm hoping you are safe!

Many pilots contact me interested in making "home" simulators. Zaharie along with some others pilots actually used my motion controllers to upgrade the realism of their simulators by building motion platforms.
I feel saddened when I hear the news media with their "theories" of suicide and terrorism of Malaysia Flight 370 at the hands of Zaharie.

I have known him for over a year now and found him to be a good man, husband and father. He was proud of his expertise of do-it-yourself constructions, he even shared with me and a colleague (the now infamous YouTube video) that is being splashed all over the news about his energy efficient air-conditioner.

I'm sick and tired of the negativity the media is spreading about this man without any proof; just theories!

Thinking of you buddy!

Some correspondence about adding motion to his "home" flight simulator (Update:added a few more emails I missed):

From: zaharie shah <>
 "" <> 
 Sunday, December 30, 2012 8:11 AM
 AMC644USB board

Dear sir,
                 I was referred  to your web site by Ian of BFF. I am building a 6dof for FSX. Attached some pix. it is a 6monitors setup on 1 pc. I am interested to know if you have a complete AMC644USB board to support Ian BFF 6dof software. 

if you have for sale what is your price sir. 

Thank you

zaharie shah

ps I didnt get you name sir. Is it Nick?

From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <> 
 Sunday, December 30, 2012 10:49 AM
 Σχετ: AMC644USB board

Hi Zaharie,

My name is Thanos. Its actually short for the greek name Thanasis. Your screen setup looks great!

I still have one more prototype AMC644USB board left. A guy from France was supposed to buy the last one but haven't heard anything back from him for days now. This board in combination with the 6DOF extension board can drive industrial VFD inverters with AC motors.

You can see it here in a little demo connected to the 6DOF BFF driver for FSX:

Of course I can help you selecting correct size VFD inverters, motors and gearheads for your 6DOF platform as well.

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Sunday, December 30, 2012 5:17 PM
 RE: Σχετ: AMC644USB board

Happy new year Thanos,
                  Thanks for the swift reply. Please reserve the AMC644USB board for me. Ok  I intend to use 12-24v DC motor approximately 400watts per motor. will your board support it? 
1. Do I have to buy a DC motor controller to couple to your card?
2.Can you send the Paypal request so I can make the payment immediately.
3. Can you sent the PDF or something so I can start reading while the board arrives.Or do you have a website I can collect the info.

zaharie shah

Capt b777 with MAS.

From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <> 
 Monday, December 31, 2012 9:19 AM
 Σχετ: Σχετ: AMC644USB board

Happy New year Zaharie,

To your questions:

1. Yes, you need to obtain motor drivers (also known as h-bridges). The only DC motor driver that I know is compatible with my 6DOF extension is the Sabertooth 2x12 which has analog input mode. All other known DC motor drivers require PWM that is not possible for 6 motors in this version. I plan to try to move a bigger microcontroller that can handle more hardware PWM signals in about one-two months using ATmega1280 microcontroller. But I can't say for sure yet. Not until I test the performance of these since they need lower crystal frequency.

The 6DOF extension board is designed for control signals for VFD inverters that drive AC motors (110v-220v) but I can adjust the output signal to be compatible with Sabertooth 2x12 in analog positioning mode.

2. I'll send you a paypal request promptly.  

3. I'll have documentation about the board available in a few days as I'm changing information for the new additions I made the last month. I'll send you a copy as soon is possible. For now you can see in this video most of its functionality:

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Monday, December 31, 2012 11:15 AM
 RE: Σχετ: Σχετ: AMC644USB board

Happy New Year Thanos,
                                           I am afraid the Sabertooth 2x12 is not good enough . I need controller rated at least 30 amps to be on the safe side.
                                           But dont you worry about my problem. I can adapt my plan to suit your original setup i.e " The 6DOF extension board is designed for control signals for VFD inverters that drive AC motors (110v-220v)."
                                            So you dont have to make any adjustment from your original setup, thank you.

        1.  Is  this for AMC644USB board only?
        2. What about the 6dof extension board. Do I have to buy separately?
        3.  Can you please amend the invoice to reflect no adjustment made for sabertooth 2x12.


From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 7:22 PM
 Shanghai dawn

Morning Thanos,
                             Thanks for working with me on this project.
                     Yes , please send me the new board AMC1280USB controller.
        I will complete the transaction as soon as I get home to Malaysia.
               1.  Will the new board work with( MD03 - 24Volt 20Amp H Bridge Motor Drive by Devantech)?
               2.  Is there any other DC motor drive that will work with your board with higher Amp rating.?


From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Monday, December 31, 2012 11:27 AM

Additionally all I want is a controller that can read BFF 6dof fsx by Ian and deliver ac motor  output as you mention



From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Monday, December 31, 2012 9:25 PM

               from what i understand about VFD INVERTER it is only to save energy which I m not interested because
motion platform usage limited to half hour. Any thing more that that will give u motion sickness.(no longer fun)
Trust me on this haha.
1.  Can your  6dof  extension  board be connected directly to AC motor with  potentiometer control couple to the mechanical arm to 
      control the  motor output?

Please correct me where I am wrong.

regards zaharie

From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <> 
 Tuesday, January 1, 2013 7:48 PM

Hi Zaharie,

The VFD inverter is primarily used to soft-start AC motors for big loads. But in the newer VFD inverter there are extra functions to reverse the motor direction or even set PID parameters to fit your motor. You can fully adjust how strong the motion is going to be or even limit the max speed of the motors.

To your other questions:
1. No, the 6DOF extension board produces the analog and digital signals required from the VFD inverter. It can produce signals for up to 6 VFD inverters. You cannot connect the AC motor directly on the 6DOF extension board.
2. You still use a potentiometer connected on the motors mechanical arm to provide position feedback to the AMC644USB board.

And some sad news, the last AMC644USB board was sold this morning. The French guy finally made the payment so I had to give it to him as he inquired for it months ago. I'll order tomorrow morning the production of some prototypes of my newer model the AMC1280USB that will be able to handle 6 PWM and/or analog control modes as well and double serial communication speed (500kbps). Same price. It should be ready within a month. You can pre-order this prototype model if you like. 

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 1:27 AM

Hi Thanos,
                   Thanks for the info. Now its a bit clearer as to the AMC644 SETUP. I am now in Shanghai (work related). Pretty cold ya.
 As soon I get back home I will get to our transaction ok. 
                   The sad news could be a blessing maybe. Now I can get your new   AMC1280USB ,hahah

    (6PWM and/or analog control modes). Isnt that for DC motor control ?
If yes, can it take on RC SERVOS DIRECTLY?


zaharie shah

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 Thursday, January 10, 2013 6:03 PM
 FW: aircon

hi Guys ,
                    How u today. I just finish making video on how to save electricity with aircon unit. enjoy !!!!!

check link    part1......




From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <>
 Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:09 PM
 Σχετ: aircon

That's really cool. Good job! Most of the houses here have central air or window units air-conditioners and its not so easy to access the pressure tank like this.

BTW its freezing here for California, its down to 3 Celsius tonight! 

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Friday, January 11, 2013 5:17 AM
 RE: ????: aircon

What! in california? OMG. All this while I thought u r in Greece. Hehe LOL !
Sent from my Nokia phone

From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <> 
 Friday, January 11, 2013 7:39 AM
 Σχετ: ????: aircon

Yes, I have been in southern California for 1.5 years now. I wish I would have known about this while I was in Greece, I had an aircon like this! :P

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Friday, January 11, 2013 6:49 PM
 RE: Σχετ: ????: aircon

Morning Thanos,
                             My mistake for assuming you are in Greece. Should have asked that way before.
  I am being nosey here .LOL. But do work for some electronic or software firm in California?



From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:57 PM
 AMC 644

Hi Thanos,
                    Received the package today. Nice packaging. No damage as to my earlier fear.
Busy upgrading my pc with new motherboard Rampage extreme. Will test AMC soon after.

   cheers, thks again.



From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Tuesday, April 9, 2013 4:50 AM
 RE: contactless position sensor

THANKS A LOT. Without that diagram I doubt  I could find the terminals because I was looking at the edges of the board.

 This should keep me busy for two weeks at least. 

One final question

          DIP 1,2,4      What should it be ? on or off. And what are they for ?


Zaharie Shah

From: Thanos Kontogiannis <>
 zaharie shah <> 
 Tuesday, April 9, 2013 7:46 PM
 Re: contactless position sensor

Hi Zaharie,

Dip1: enables/disables the LCD menu. Its a little bit faster if its disabled, so when you are ready with all settings you can disable this (off position)
Dip2: Selects Serial speed (ON: 125kbps, OFF 256kbps)
Dip4: Can't remember right now, I have it do something but I have to go back in the code to have a look... Really need to put together that file library for the AMC1280 with proper documentation.

Thanos Kontogiannis

From: zaharie shah <>
 Thanos Kontogiannis <> 
 Wednesday, April 10, 2013 2:20 AM
 RE: contactless position sensor

Thks alot Thanos,

 I think I hv enough on my plate for now.  I will send u the video once a get the motor running.



(EDIT by Thanos: I happen to find some photos of the actual package I sent him!)

Thanos, 2014

Second part here:  Sending Positive Energy Your Way, Zaharie! cont'd